Speaking Proposal Review Task Force

You can play an important role in helping us to determine which speaking proposals to accept for the NASPP Conference and other programs.

Here's how it works:

  • You agree to review at least 20 (twenty) proposals; you can decide if you want to review more than that.
  • You assign a rating to each proposal and answer a few yes/no questions about it.
  • You'll have about a week to rate the proposals. Depending on how many proposals you agree to review, we expect that it will take you around 30 to 60 minutes to finish rating the proposals assigned to you.
  • If you review at least 30 (thirty) proposals, you are eligible for 10% off your conference registration (applied to the rate in effect at the time you register).

Here's how you qualify to review proposals:

  • You must work for a company that offers stock compensation to its employees and have a role in the design, administration, or reporting for your company's stock plan.
  • You cannot be included on any speaking proposals submitted for this year's NASPP Conference.
  • You must complete this short application so that we know which proposals to assign to you.
  • You must have time to review the proposals assigned to you during the period from March 11 to 18.

If you have any questions, please contact rfp@naspp.com.